moda vivendi

I'm just talking to myself. We do that sometimes, me and myself.

Writing for writing’s sake

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I’m trying to write a cover letter.   Not just any cover letter, this is one for a job in my actual career field.  Let me guide you through my cover letter writing process.

I stare at my screen.  I type a sentence.  It sucks.  I delete it.  I stare at my screen a bit more.

It’s kind of like writing for this blog.  Only a cover letter is kind of a big deal.  I’m going to be heading off to school again before I know it.  And then my last semester as an undergrad will be over.  And I’ll graduate.  And if I don’t have a job, I’ll be stuck in my parent’s house (which is a nice house, but I kinda wanna grow up and move on.)  But growing up is terribly overrated, right?

Before you know it, I’m freaking out about not having an interview with a potential employer before I go to school and it’s all just a downward spiral that makes me wish I didn’t get caught up in this college thing in the first place.  Really, it’s just an abusive relationship.  It tells me I suck and I can’t do it and I failed.  And I say no, I’m gonna make it.  But then it gets in my head and I start to believe it.

What the hell did I just write?  Cliche’ metaphors much?  That’s enough of that.  Back to this cover letter monstrosity.

Author: Angelica Ross

Coffee addict, Post-It aficionado, Sharpie fanatic. I live and work in Pittsburgh, pin lots of recipes I'll never make, and I love the Oxford comma. Sometimes I write about advertising, other times I write about general life happenings; no matter what, I always try to entertain.

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